A Bear of a birthday!

Today my very littlest man turned 4.

My baby is no longer so much of a baby.

While I’m proud of him in every way, I also feel rather sad that he’s getting so big.

I cannot for the life of me fathom why some parents wish away these years, if I could I’d keep him this age forever.

I know I shouldn’t feel sad, he had an absolutely fantastic day and rightly so – you can’t redo birthdays can you? They happen only once a year!







DSCF3586.1What should really have been a nice quiet affair with only the family invited – Nainy, Taidy, cousins and Aunties – turned into something more befitting of Bear. Silliness and no volume control reined supreme!

I’m so pleased he enjoyed himself, now I’m off to join my boys in the land of nod. I am shattered! I couldn’t care less that it’s before 9pm haha.

Cowboys and Pumpkins

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind – ok that’s enough of that brain. Stop with the songs! Right now I’m feeling that there is not enough time in a day for one to achieve what one wanted to do upon waking… I haven’t even managed to finish off my thoughts before I’m beginning another – curse my grasshopper mind. I’ve not been able to do much of anything actually – thank you half term holidays!

The house is still in an after party state, the boys are running around like they’ve downed red bulls, the dog has managed to get a sweet tangled in her fur during the course of the weekend, the man has left for work and I just want to hide under the duvet – why is it so cold?!

Why do I do this to myself? Why did it ever seem like a good idea to throw the little’s a Halloween party?

Ahh but it was fun though, the concentration on the kiddies faces as they carved the pumpkins, the tidal waves that followed the bobbing for apples! The hunt for Halloween goodies in adorable costumes – the kids not the sweets now.

Little Noo and his pumpkin brains 

Tis just the cleaning up I don’t like, kids are fabulous at squirrelling away little bits, so far I’ve found popcorn under my sofa cushions, pennies in my boots and the sweet in the dogs fur.

Ugh, better move my backside and try to return the house to a state of normality.

Might have a cuppa first though…

Happy Halloween everybody!