
This blog is all about the ups, downs and adventures of family life. I may as well start by introducing you to my family –

Gryffin – my first born son, a very very special little guy indeed! He is a sweet and sensitive little soul. He is now 6 years old.

Noo Bear or simply Bear – my youngest, a ball full of energy, he seems to always be on fast forward and knows exactly what he wants at all times. He is now 5 years old.

Lola/hairball – the family dog. Mental would be the only way to describe her. She was supposed to help even out the testosterone level, to calm the madness but it turns out she’s worse than the boys! Who knew? Hahaha!

The Man/Him – the partner, the other parent… He’s tall, dark and hairy. What else can I say really? He has no idea I blog and would probably laugh at my attempts to understand the er, technical side of it all. Computer savvy I am not! He on the other-hand designs websites for a living.

Finally there is me, Elle. A 25 year old mother of two, a SAHM trying to find a place to just be and attempt to work this crazy life out!

7 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Meme- Who am I really? | The Cycling Mummy

  2. Jaydon is super excited that you started following our blog, The Adventures of Jaydon and Daddy, that he cannot wait to get back in front of the camera.

    Thank you. d:~)

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